It's time to reveal our first mystery coffee for April! We hope you all have enjoyed the first half of our Banibeans round.
🇪🇨 Ecuador Finca Cruz Loma
Region: San Jose de Minas, Pichincha
Variety: Typica Mejorado & Sidra
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1500 masl
Tasting notes: Orange, Red Apple, Green Tea
Harvest: 2023
Coordinated by Dawid.
About the Farm
Cruz Loma is a family run, award winning farm which has been producing coffee for over 20 years. It is only in the last 6 years that it started focusing on specialty coffee. Galo Morales is a former technician for Caravela where he gained much valued experience. He now focuses all this experience on his farm. Along with his wife, Maria Alexandra, they run a pioneering farm in the country that has won various prizes in the last few years.
Galo and Alexandra also run their own dry mill in the centre of Quito, here they also have a laboratory where all their quality control happens before exporting the coffee.
Their business focuses on the improvement of knowledge and skills in their workers, giving them free training and funding careers in aspects like farming, processing, roasting, cup tasting and commerce.
Cruz Loma positioned in 1st place in Taza Dorada 2022, 2nd place in Taza Dorada 2023 and 3rd place in Cup of Excellence 2022.
Now onto the top placers!
In first place with 21 points: CuppaJoe | bayphoto!
In second place with 20 points: ashton!
In third place with 17 points: drinkbettercoffee!
Thanks to all who guessed! Be sure to guess if you join us for a mystery round. Our second Banibeans mystery guess is due by May 18.