Frequently Asked Questions
What's the roast level of Mystery Coffee?
Mystery Coffee is always a light (filter) roast suitable for filter coffee, cupping and light roasted modern espresso.
I'm brewing only filter, can I join the Espresso Club server?
Yes! Espresso Club is just a name. Our club members are brewing coffee in many different ways, including filter coffee. April Brewer, Tricolate, Orea... We have it all!
I'm a beginner. Should I join?
Yes! Two primary goals of the Mystery Coffee League is integration of coffee community and learning how to to expand our sensory skills by discussing Mystery Coffee together on our chat. You'll have opportunity to share your experience about the coffee with people located all over Europe. It's a friendly competition which also give you a chance of winning some goodies for our sponsors.
Do I need to buy coffee each month?
No. It all depends on you. If you would like to have a shot at winning quarterly prizes, probably you need to participate in all 3 months. However, for yearly prizes we'll take only 10 months into consideration. Two worst scores won't count. You can also simply skip two months within a year and you'll have the same shot at the yearly prizes as others.
How much does it costs?
Depends on the roaster and their shipping rates. Usually the cost of one bag is not higher than 15€ and shipping is lower than 10€, sometimes even free. Besides that we often get 10-30% discounts for coffee.
Can I see what kind of beans you had in the past?
Yes! Check-out the Coffees section.
How is the roaster picked each month?
Members can make suggestions on Discord. We'll then reach out to roasters to gauge interest and line interested ones up for future months. Generally we have roasters lined up for the next 1 to 2 months.
What's the deadline for submitting the guess?
Generally the deadline is the last day of the month, however we can move this if there are unexpected issues impacting the roasters and/or deliveries.
Where can I discuss the coffee with other club members?
Throughout the month we're discussing the mystery coffee in our #eu-rotm-chat channel on Discord. We encourage the use of spoiler tags when discussing the various aspects of the coffee e.g. origin, process, taste notes. [Spoiler tags can be added by enclosing the word(s) in double pipes e.g. I think this is a || natural || coffee.
How do I find out the results for each month?
The results of MCL are posted each month once tallied to our #eu-announcements channel and the fallout discussion continues in our #eu-rotm-chat channel. Previous months will also be archived into our Coffees section. We also have Standings on our website.