
August Mystery Coffee Reveal - Sumo

Sumo was first Irish-based roaster in the history of Mystery Coffee League. Coffee roasted by Daniel turned out to be a tricky one and sparked a lot of discussion on our Discord. However, many of the club members quickly found a good lead.

Here are the full details of August Mystery Coffee:

🇧🇷 Brazil Daterra Masterpieces
Variety: Aramosa & Laurina
Processing: Natural
Altitude: +1150 m.a.s.l.
Tasting notes: peach, black tea and plum
Harvest: Winter 2021/2022
Score: +88

The Story of the Coffee from Sumo

About the process:

This lot is a Cerrado Natural (Dried-on-trees). An elegant, refined, entirely natural coffee begins its journey at the peak of the harvest when the cherries are filled with honey-like liquor. The beans are left on the tree for a longer time (they start drying on it), allowing them to go through the full maturation process and dry while still attached to the branch. Then they are transferred in cherry to the patio until the honey is almost dissolved. The drying is finished in the dryer to ensure consistent moisture content and stabilisation of the beans.

About the farm:

Daterra farms are located in a lovely steady climate, dry-fresh winter, and warm-wet summers... a perfect condition for growing fantastic coffee. Their farms are one of the oldest coffee plantations in the Brazilian Cerrado region, and it is among the best coffee-producing areas in the country. Daterra often works with many coffee competitors to be at the forefront of innovation in coffee processing to create interesting and exceptional coffees every year.

Brazil's sustainable agriculture was still relatively unknown when Daterra started its coffee journey. How can one take something from the earth without harming it? Simple: borrow it, and then we give it back.

It is not only about producing the best coffee in the world. It is about producing coffee for a better world.


The Masterpieces by Daterra are experimental coffees. They research, test, and play around with several variables to create unique coffees.

Their experimental unit is always buzzing with new techniques and tests to unlock unexpected flavours for you.

Daterra Recognitions:

- 1st Rainforest Alliance Farm in Brazil;

- 1st Climate-friendly farm verified to meet the Sustainable Agriculture Network’s Climate Module;

- Winner of the prize “Prêmio Fazenda Sustentável 2015” by Globo Rural, Brazil’s major agricultural magazine, as the most sustainable farm in the country

Variety Laurina, Aramosa

Laurina is a naturally low-caffeine coffee from Brazil. The varietal is also known as bourbon pointu (literally pointy bourbon) after the unique pointy shape of the tree and its beans and its Reunion Island origins (formerly known as Bourbon). It is an arabica bourbon mutation that contains only 0.3%–0,5% caffeine, whereas regular Arabica beans typically have around 1.4% or more.

Aramosa is a unique varietal: a crossbreed between two coffea species, Coffea Arabica and Coffea Racemosa (an heirloom Coffeea species). The Aramosa beans usually have a lower caffeine index than regular Arabica beans and present very floral aromatics.

We have a new record! 70 club members decided to submit their guess in August. We hope that we keep growing and we're going to hit 100 guesses soon!

Winners of August 2022 round are Blue Tonic and plk29a with 25 points. Third place goes to Dubbean with 20 points

TOP3 of August 2022 round
1. Blue Tonic - 25 points
1. plk29a - 25 points
3. Dubbean - 20 points

Here's how our 2022 season TOP3 looks like after the August round:

TOP3 of 2022
1. Dawid - 128 points
2. KafCafQaf - 119 points
3. McBreezy - 118 points

Below you can find Q3 2022 standings before the last round of the quarter. Next month we're giving our another round of prizes including cupping trophy spoons from Penny & Meriwether, Acaia Lunar 2021, Kruve glasses and Sibarist paper filters!

TOP3 of Q3 2022
1. Blue Tonic - 36 points
2. joes - 33 points
3. Sami - 32 points

You can find full standings on our Standings subpage.

Mystery Coffee League is sponsored by Acaia, Kruve, Sibarist and Penny & Meriwether.

This month we're visiting Poland. Kafar from Gliwice is going to roast a Mystery Coffee for us in September. We also can confirm that in October we're not going too far - Father's Coffee Roastery from Ostrava in Czechia will be our Roaster of the Month.

Thanks for the pics Charles!