
December Coffee Reveal - Hydrangea

It's time to reveal the mystery coffee for December! Thank you all for your patience with this one.

🇵🇦 Creative Coffee District Dynamic Cherry Caturra

Varietal: Caturra
Elevation: 1700m
Process: Dynamic Cherry Natural
Tasting Notes: Blackberry, Dark Chocolate, Pineapple (mapped from Tiki)
Producer: Enrique Pretel

From Bill at Hydrangea: "I picked this because it would be hard to guess".

Now onto the top placers!

In first place with 30 points: joeshmo0
In second place with 22 points: drinkbettercoffee
In third place with 19 points: ashton

Thank you all for joining this round! Be sure to join us in discord for more rounds of mystery!